
Miles Ahead

Fast-Track Your Growth with Core Logistics

Clear and Effective Communication

Understanding that clarity is vital in preventing misunderstandings and promoting efficiency, Core Logistics provides detailed and accurate information about load assignments, routes, and delivery schedules. Truckers are never left in the dark and are always equipped with the information they need to do their job effectively and safely.

Respect for Truckers' Time

Acknowledging the frustrations truckers often face with unpredictable schedules and long waiting times, Core Logistics employs advanced route planning and scheduling software to streamline operations. This approach allows for consistent scheduling, minimizing delays at loading docks and optimizing routes for timely delivery. By doing so, Core Logistics not only boosts efficiency but also contributes positively to truckers' work-life balance.

Fair and Prompt Financial Transactions

When it comes to financial matters, Core Logistics offers a fair and transparent payment system. Payments are processed promptly, ensuring truckers receive their hard-earned income on time. Disputes, should they arise, are handled swiftly and professionally, with a dedicated team available to address any concerns truckers might have about payment terms.

Comprehensive Support System

Perhaps what truly sets Core Logistics apart is its comprehensive support system for truckers. On-the-road assistance is available 24/7, providing truckers peace of mind during breakdowns or emergencies. This extensive support system, coupled with a recognition and rewards program, makes truckers feel valued and appreciated for their essential contribution.

Effective Management of Detention and Demurrage Issues

Core Logistics has also implemented effective strategies to manage detention and demurrage issues. By actively liaising with ports, customers, and truckers, the company ensures that equipment is available when needed, and that pickups and deliveries are scheduled within realistic, agreed-upon timeframes. This approach minimizes the risk of truckers incurring extra costs or stress due to unexpected delays.

Choose Core Logistics

Where Truckers are Valued Partners

At Core Logistics, truckers are not just seen as service providers; they are partners in delivering high-quality freight logistics solutions. Choose Core Logistics, and experience the difference of working with a company that truly understands and values your contribution as a trucker.